Melissa May


You’re about to be a fly on the wall as barely-legal and big-booty Melissa May takes a quick shower. There’s one more fly on the wall, or, specifically, a fly in the sauna, and he’s watching Melissa shower, too. His name is Mandingo, but you already know that. After Melissa dries off, Dingo pulls her into the sauna for a red-hot, Suck n’ Fuck Session. Melissa can barely fit her mouth around Dingo’s 13-incher, so you can imagine what it’s going to do to her tight, pink cunt. What is does is turn Melissa — just like all the girls before her who have had Dingo — into a Size Queen. Melissa May won’t ever be satisfied with anything but size, and the blacker and bigger the better.

Added on: agosto 27, 2023

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